本場奄美大島紬と本革によるコラボレーションで生まれた今までにない新しい大島紬の小物です。 最大の特徴は革の裁断から縫製まで 1 人の職人がすべての工程をハンドメイドで丁寧に作り上げていること。 一つ一つに愛情が注ぎ込まれており一点ものに近いあなただけのこだわりの作品をお届けします。 ぜひ商品から手作りならではの温かみを感じとって頂けたらと思います。
Tsumugi Leather KASURI
“Tsumugi leather KASURI” is a local Amamian leather product maker with a whole new idea. We make fusion leather products with Authentic Amami Oshima Tsumugi pongee textile.
Our most distinctive characteristic is that a single craftsman takes care of the entire process of handcrafting each product from leather cutting to sewing.
We put passion into each of our products, and deliver them to you as your own “one of a kind” item. We assure you feel the warmth of handicraft through our products made at Tsumugi Leather KASURI.
【紬レザー かすり】
Tsumugi Leather KASURI
Tsumugi Leather Kasuri started with my trip to Australia from 2005 to 2006.
With the traditional Australian Aboriginal instrument didgeridoo
I was fascinated by the fusion of music played by modern instruments such as drums, bass, and saxophone.
From that urge, I started writing design drawings that fused leather products and authentic Amami Oshima Tsumugi.
Tsumugi leather Kasuri products are carefully finished one by one with all our heart, from cutting leather to sewing.
We hope that you can feel the warmth and grandeur of Amami Oshima from the products.
革は 6 種類、糸は 3 種類展開。
Your own piece
We accept personalized orders to our products so you can make “your own piece”. You can choose your preferred colors of leather and thread as well as the pattern of Oshima Tsumugi textile used in order to make your own “one of a kind” item.
It is our pleasure to bring products to you that you always feel close to Oshima Tsumugi, be it a special gift to your loved ones or a treat to reward yourself.
We offer 6 different selectable colors for leather, and 3 for thread. Make your own combination.
Leather : Black, red, blue, yellow, brown and green Thread : White, black and red
革には品質状態により等級があり、紬レザーかすりではA A・A・Bの等級がある中から上位等級のA及び最上位等級のAAのみを使用しています。
栃木レザーは、ミモザの樹皮から抽出されたタンニンを使用し、ピット槽で丹念になめされたフルベジタブルタンニンレザー(通称 ぬめ革)です。
この工程を経たヌメ革は、優れた風合いはもちろん耐久性、それに防湿性を誇り、使い込むほどに味わいが増していきます。 経年変化と共にその価値が増し深みある雰囲気を感じとって下さい。
Our leather preference
We use worlds’ renowned “Tochigi Leather” for our products. It is a full vegetable-tanned leather carefully processed in a tanning pit using tannin extracted from mimosa bark.
A tanned leather processed through this method gives a fine look and texture as well as toughness and resistance to moisture. It also adds a unique feel over time as you use it.
Please indulge in its valuable feel it gets as you use our products longer.
一本の糸と両端に 2 本の針をつけて、8 の字を描くようにクロスして進ませていきます。
たとえ一本が切れてもそれ以上は切れにくく強度を保つことが できます。
使用している糸は麻糸にロウが塗ってある為、糸自身が丈夫で一針一針、力加減を変えて縫い進めることができ、革と対話しながら作ることができま す。
Passion for hand-sewing
We crisscross 2 sewing needles attached on each end of a single thread. Doing so keeps the strength of the seam even in the case of a thread break.
Hand-sewing takes a lot of time as compared to machine-sewing. However hand-sewing brings far more strength to seams than you get with machine-sewing.
A waxed linen thread is strong enough to allow frequent and delicate changes of forces in hand-sewing leather. It is just like the thread having a dialog with the leather for a better job while you hand-sew.
It is only a craftsman’s hand work to achieve minute maneuvering of sewing.
After-sales Service
We provide after-purchase support as an important practice.
We are happy to do maintenance and repairs, changes of Oshima Tsumugi textile as well as thread and metal parts.
Everytime we receive a request for maintenance and a repair, it is a moment of our delight to find that you cherish our products. We take very good care of our products even after sales so you can enjoy them for many years to come.
Please feel free to contact us for maintenance and repair.
この素晴らしい大島紬の伝統を絶やす事なく、より多くの方々に大島紬の魅力を伝えていける様、常に新しい事へ挑戦し、大島紬の新たなあぜ道を 作り上げていきます。
What Oshima Tsumugi means to us
We have been blessed with so many occasions to have served a number of customers through Oshima Tsumugi so far. We have placed our utmost importance on relating to people through our products.
We are determined to continue to keep our beautiful tradition of Oshima Tsumugi for many centuries to come. We are also excited to continue working on a new chapter of Oshima Tsumugi by opening up a new path for it and delivering it to many more people.
We keep putting our passion into every single stitch on our products at Tsumugi Leather KASURI.
奄美群島内で生産された、経済産業大臣指定伝統的工芸品 本場大島紬のことです。
絹 100%、織る前に糸を染め分ける「先染め」、人の手による「手織り」で、世界でも随一と言われる精緻な絣合わせをし、織りあげたものです。 軽くて暖かく着崩れせず、着込めば着込むほど肌になじむ着心地の良さと、泥染めなどによる独特の色合いが特徴です。
What is “Authentic” Amami Oshima Tsumugi?
“Authentic” Amami Oshima Tsumugi is the Amamian silk pongee fabric (commonly known as Oshima Tsumug) that is exclusively produced by the members of the Authentic Amami Oshima Tsumugi Cooperative within the islands of Amami archipelago . It has been certified by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry as a Designated Traditional Handicraft.
It is woven fabrics that use pre-dyed threads and are hand-woven into splashed patterns. (“Kasuri” is Japan’s traditional cloth with splashed patterns, and Oshima Tsumugi is known as one of them.) And it is globally recognized for its elaborate and sophisticated works.
The clothes made of Authentic Amami Oshima Tsumugi are warm and light in weight. They are comfortable and keep their shape well once gradually fitting you. Also, they are unique in color with their tints because of such methods as mud-dyeing.
・絹 100%
・折る前に色を染め分ける「先染め」「手織り」 ・オモテウラのない「平織り」 ・「締機」で手作業により経緯絣および緯絣を加工したもの ・手機で縦横絣および緯絣を絣合わせをして織りあげたもの
Definition of Authentic Amami Oshima Tsumugi
・100% made out of silk
・Pre-dyed and hand-woven
・Plain weave with no distinctive front or back of the textile
・Warp and weft (vertical and horizontal thread) or only weft manually woven into splashed patterns with a loom (a weaving machine) called “Shimebata”
・Warp and weft or only weft manually woven into splashed patterns with a handloom
紬レザー かすり
Digital catalog/https://my.ebook5.net/kasuri/amami/